Contact Details
Honourable PJ Keating
» Australian Society and Economy
Australian Society and Economy
The Reserve Bank and Monetary Policy - Statement by PJ Keating, 3 February 2021
Superannuation, Paul Keating, 9 July 2020
Bob Hawke Memorial - Eulogy by P J Keating, Sydney Opera House, 14 June 2019
NSW Voluntary Assisted Dying Legislation - PJ Keating statement 17 November 2017
Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) Annual Dinner, Sydney, 14 November 2017
Paul Keating: The Big-Picture Leader, in conversation with Troy Bramston, Melbourne - 25 November 2016 - Video
Noel Pearson: Rhetoric, Imagination, Power. Speech at launch of "Paul Keating: The Big-Picture Leader" (Bramston) - 21 Nov 2016
Treasurer Hockey's proposals for early access to superannuation - 9 March 2015
Speech at State Funeral of Neville Wran - 1 May 2014
The Privacy Imperative in the Information Age Free for All - 4 August 2010
The Compact City: Urban Design and Architecture - 9 March 2010
The Story of Modern Superannuation - 31 October 2007
Film and Art in the Australia of Nationalism and Cynicism - 11 July 2007
Superannuation: Turbocharging Retirement Incomes - 7 February 2007
Building a Masterpiece: The Sydney Opera House - 10 August 2006
The Launch of The Longest Decade - 2 June 2006
The Great Crash: The Short Life and Sudden Death of the Whitlam Government - 9 November 2005
Bankstown City Silver Jubilee - 27 May 2005
Enhancing Savings in the Asia Pacific - 9 March 2005
Launch of Who Rules: How Government Retains Control of a Privatised Economy - 10 November 2004
The Compassionate Agenda - 29 May 2004
Human Resource Management: The Role of Leadership - 11 May 2004
Australia: The New Economic Template - 23 February 2004
Australia's Geopolitical and Economic Positioning (extract) - 15 October 2003
Vocational Education and Training: The Oft Forgotten Tier - 10 September 2003
Australia in a Competitive Mode - 14 August 2003
The Roads Ahead - 2 September 2002
A Time for Reflection: Political Values in the Age of Distraction - 3 March 2002
Paul Keating's Big Picture - 21 July 2000
The Australian Media - 14 June 2000
The Labor Government 1983 to 1996 - 19 March 1999
For the New Australia - 11 November 1996
ACOSS Annual Congress 1994 - 27 October 1994
Women, Power and the 21st Century - 3 December 1993
Victory Speech: "True Believers" - 13 March 1993